Peace Station
Peace Stations
Peace Stations (Esenlik Durakları) project:
It aims to help orphans and their mothers to cope with their loss and alleviate its psychological impact. This project identifies and addresses the needs of the target group consisting of orphans, socially orphaned children, and their mothers through objective methods and conducts post-implementation evaluations. These evaluations intend to both check the efficiency of the programs and make them fit for purpose more through the findings.
The Peace Stations Project aims to decrease risk factors and increase the supportive factors in the target group’s lives by developing “intervention” programs. Within the project's scope, activities are planned to promote children's mental, emotional, and social development. Additionally, efforts to improve the academic success of participating children are conducted, and art and skill workshops are organized to develop children in multiple areas based on the multiple intelligence theory. In addition to the children, psychological support programs and educational studies are organized for mothers, aiming to strengthen women mentally, improve their parenting skills, and reduce negative disciplinary methods toward their children.
Activities conducted for orphans and their mothers within the project scope:
• Individual and group psychotherapy services for the children and their mothers
• Art, Skills and Games Workshops for children
• Cultural and artistic excursions
• E-senlik (e-wellness) project
• Psychoeducational studies for mothers and children
• Collaboration with schools
Short-Term Goals of The Project
The short-term goals of the psychosocial studies aimed at alleviating psychological issues
arising from parental loss:
• To restore the basic sense of security,
• To prevent disruptive effects and potential mental disorders resulting from post-
traumatic stress responses,
• To help women and children return to their pre-traumatic functional levels,
• To help them develop more realistic and positive perspectives by fixing their distorted
interpretations about themselves, their future and their environment,
• To train parents and teachers on how to approach the children experiencing trauma,
loss, and grief,
• To inform the target group about their fundamental rights such as school enrolment,
institutions providing financial support, etc.
• To establish a database facilitating academic research on children who have
experienced parental loss.
Long-Term Goals of The Project
• To expand the network of institutions and centers serving children who have
experienced parental loss and their mothers,
• To produce academic publications that will enhance the quality of psychosocial work
towards children who have experienced parental loss and their mothers,
• To facilitate the internalization of social responsibility awareness among student
volunteers in the project.