Goodness Next Project
Goodness is Next Project
A project that brings together the children next door and the orphaned children in the remotest corners of the world on the common ground of goodness! Our foundation is engaged in efforts to spread the works and awareness-raising activities for orphaned children across all layers of society, and to make them even more meaningful with the contributions of our children, who are part of the educational curriculum.
Within the framework of values education and under a protocol with Özkur-Bir, the “Goodness is Next Project” project brings together the children in our schools, from kindergarten to high school, with orphaned children—whether they are next to us or in the farthest corners of the world—on the shared foundation of goodness. Since small sacrifices made at an early age have a direct impact on the formation of children's character, the main objective of the project is to cultivate a generation that is qualified, compassionate, generous, and eager to help.
Could you briefly provide information about the activities of Orphan Foundation?
Orphan Foundation is a specialized institution established on June 10, 2017, on World Orphans’ Day. The foundation serves four groups of children, with a primary focus on orphans and those in need of protection: Orphans, Motherless Children, Lost-and-Found Children, and Social Orphans. The term "orphan" encompasses these four categories of children and also extends to mothers who have lost their children. In this context, Orphan Foundation’s scope includes a child population of one billion, which represents 40% of the global child population.
Orphan Foundation aims to create an environment that will contribute to the development of orphans in a loving and compassionate atmosphere, within the integrity of both mental and physical health. The services it provides do not impose an age limit and ensure that orphans are supported until they reach the stage where they can stand on their own feet, starting from early childhood.
Orphan Foundation aims to assist children and family members who have experienced the loss of parents in coping with their grief, alleviating the psychological impact of the loss on individuals, and developing programs that respond to the needs of families. Under the scope of projects such as Peace Station 'Esenlik Durakları', 'Hayallere Değen Resimler', 'Kilis Kindergarten', 'Sokağıma Şenlik Geldi', etc., the foundation continues its activities with a 'Holistic Education Model' that includes education, protective and preventive social services, psychosocial support, and developmental workshops for orphaned children.
Within the framework of the stated objectives, Orphan Foundation also conducts activities in the countries and regions where it operates, addressing the educational, healthcare, housing, food, and clothing needs of orphaned children, as well as supporting and raising awareness for orphans and children in need of protection, particularly in regions affected by war and crisis, both in our country and worldwide.
Could you provide information about the situation of orphaned children worldwide?
According to UN data, there are 140 million orphaned children worldwide. Taking into account countries where accurate data is unavailable and where registration systems are underdeveloped, this number is estimated to be around 400 million. Especially, the continents of Africa and Asia host countries with a high orphan population. The situation of children worldwide is quite dramatic. Every day, 22,000 children die due to poverty and related causes, more than half of all refugees are children, 2.5 million children are abducted annually, 400 million children are forced to sleep hungry every night, and about 250 million children are compelled to work; in such a world, the humanitarian situation of orphaned and unaccompanied children becomes even more dire. When solutions are found to wars, man-made disasters, poverty, and diseases, which contribute to the increasing number of orphaned children worldwide, a more livable world for children and all of humanity will become possible.
Could you provide information about the situation of orphaned children in our country?
According to the 2020 data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), among the total of 22,750,657 children in Turkey, 269,202 have lost their father, 80,798 have lost their mother, and 4,518 have lost both parents.
What Are the Main Factors Leading to Orphanhood?
- Poverty
- Wars and Conflicts
- Natural Disasters
- Diseases
- Accidents
What Are the Main Threats Faced by Orphaned Children?
- Human Trafficking
- Organ Mafias
- Begging Rings
- Prostitution Rings
- Missionary Activities
- Child Soldiering
- Child Labor
- Child Marriage
- Forced Adoption
- Induction into Crime
- Substance Abuse
What Are the Aims and Objectives of Orphan Foundation's Activities?
The primary objective of the foundation is to provide unwavering support to orphaned children in need, assisting them until they reach a level of self-sufficiency. This support encompasses meeting their essential needs, such as education, health, food, clothing, and shelter, while nurturing them with compassion to prepare them for life.
In situations of need, the foundation also aims to provide psychosocial support to orphaned children and their family members, assisting them in achieving emotional well-being and mental health stability.
When children face violations of their fundamental rights or experience difficulties in accessing basic life necessities, the foundation actively works to ensure that these children's rights and freedoms are upheld, preventing further infringements.
The foundation seeks to create safe environments where not only the material needs of children are met but also their spiritual and emotional needs are addressed, ensuring comprehensive care and protection.
Can You Provide Information on the Support Methods of Orphan Foundation?
Sponsorship Support System:
For a monthly contribution of 600 Turkish Lira, sponsors provide essential support for an orphaned child's educational, healthcare, nutritional, and clothing needs, thus ensuring that the child is afforded the opportunity to thrive in a compassionate and supportive environment.
Sibling Family Project:
For orphaned families affected by war, natural disasters, illness, or other challenges, the Sibling Family Project provides both monthly and periodic social aid, beyond mere sponsorship. This program aims to assist families that, due to their extreme circumstances, are unable to survive solely on sponsorship support. Under this project, social financial assistance is provided to cover the family's food, clothing, educational, health expenses, and utility bills on a monthly basis.
Project Sponsorship:
The essential needs of orphaned children and their families—ranging from education, healthcare, food, clothing, and housing—are part of the natural scope of Orphan Foundation's ongoing activities. In this context, the foundation also works on housing-related needs, including the construction, repair, and maintenance of homes. Seasonal needs, such as heating, stoves, blankets, and other winter-related support, as well as various household goods, are provided through Project Sponsorship.
Orphan Support Fund:
Orphan Foundation accepts all in-kind and monetary donations, aside from those made for specific projects or restricted funds, under the "Orphan Support Fund." All contributions accumulated in this fund are directly used to meet the needs of orphaned children, their families, and all other related requirements.
Psychosocial Support:
With various programs developed specifically for orphaned children and their mothers, the foundation aims to assist them in coping with the emotional impact of the losses they have experienced. This initiative seeks to alleviate the psychological burden left by these losses and help them regain a sense of stability and well-being.
Through the project we implement at the Aksaray Psychosocial Support and Application Center in Istanbul and the Reyhanlı Psychosocial Support Center, the needs of orphaned and socially orphaned children, as well as their mothers, are identified through objective methods. Subsequently, programs are developed to address these needs, and evaluations are conducted after the implementation of these programs.
Does Orphan Foundation Provide Support to Orphanages and the Settlements of Orphaned Families?
It is of utmost importance that children can continue their lives within the warmth of a family, maintaining the integrity of the family unit. However, the painful reality that half of the orphaned children in our world are abandoned to the mercy of the streets, without the protection of a family or institution, is deeply disturbing to all of humanity. These children are often the direct targets of exploitative criminal organizations. For children who are deprived of family and kinship support, we believe that staying in orphanages, where they can be under the care of qualified and compassionate caregivers in a controlled, dormitory-like environment, offers one of the most reasonable solutions. Furthermore, it is invaluable for orphaned children to live with their mothers and siblings in safe homes established in settlements for orphaned families. In this context, the Orphan Foundation provides support to orphanages and orphan settlements.
Could You Briefly Describe the "Goodness Is Next Project" Project?
Our foundation carries out activities to spread the work and awareness-raising efforts related to orphaned children across all layers of society, particularly through the contributions of our children who are part of the education system. The project, which began within the scope of values education as "Goodness Is Next Project" brings together our children from kindergartens to high schools with orphaned children who are either close by or living in the farthest corners of the world, on the common ground of goodness. Early small sacrifices made by children directly impact their character formation; thus, the project’s main aim is to foster the development of a generation that is compassionate, altruistic, and inclined to share, helping to shape a qualified and generous generation.